Taking advantage of the synergies of our financial sector, EFPA- Asociación Española de Asesores y Planificadores Financieros-Patrimoniales presented our ERASMUS+ KA2 project EQAFIT- Enhanced Quality Assurance in the Financial Training in the dissemination event of the ERASMUS+ KA2 project SFinLit- Sustainable finances Literacy, coordinated by the UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain) and organised by the IEF - Institut d'Estudis Financers in Barcelona (Avda. Josep Tarradellas 123, 2nd floor) and by streaming, on 9 June, aimed at professionals in the financial sector, teachers and students of secondary education and vocational training. General public.
EFPA took this opportunity to hold its first multiplier event, which was attended by 16 people. Different EU associations working with VET providers and banking associations participated in this event.
The agenda included the presentation of the objective of the project and the recent results of the project, the whole activity was led by Andrea Carreras who presented EFPA and the objective of its participation as a consortium and was followed by Imma Miralles, EFPA's European project coordinator.
This first multiplier event was published on the EPALE platform, the EU platform for sharing and participating in the project. Coinciding with this event, EQAFIT was also presented at the European Skills Week 2022, a special event organized by the European Commission to celebrate best practices in Vocational Education and Training (VET), with events of local, regional and national organizations and other VET partners.