February 23, 2023
/ In News
The 4th and final Newsletter for EQAFIT project is here!. The EQAFIT project comes to an end… After two years of committed work, the EQAFIT team held the last transnational meeting in Barcelona. Read more about the project below. You can also find it in these languages: Swedish, Spanish, Italian & Romanian versions.
February 15, 2023
/ In News
The last meeting of the EQAFIT project was held on 10 February to discuss the last outstanding ideas. The meeting followed the agenda and was very fruitful. Finally the day before the final meeting the consortium had the opportunity to attend the last final event held at the Delegation of the European Commission in Barcelona. […]
December 23, 2022
/ In News
Financial education is a complex topic with numerous facets. In order to improve the quality of financial education as a whole, it is crucial to look at the whole sector – from general financial literacy up to VET in financial education. The EQAFIT project partners are therefore closely collaborating with the Financial Sustainable Literacy (SFinLit) […]
December 23, 2022
/ In News
The 3rd Newsletter for EQAFIT project is here! See all the updates and the Results of the project here. You can also find it in these languages: Swedish, Spanish, Italian & Greek versions
November 26, 2022
/ In News
EQAFIT suggests including awareness of the Regulation of investmentrecommendations and the distinction between investment recommendations and financialadvice in any financial training, especially that carried out periodically for advisers as well asthat aimed at other educational levels, especially young people, and why not, also for thepopulation in general. Article: The National Securities Market Commission has announced […]
November 15, 2022
/ In News
The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training(EQAVET) is based on a cycle of quality assurance and improvement (i.e., Plan, Do, Check, Act), and aselection of descriptors and indicators applicable to quality management, both at the level of the VETsystem and at the level of the VET provider. In order to be […]
November 3, 2022
/ In News
Taking advantage of the synergies of our financial sector, EFPA- Asociación Española de Asesores y Planificadores Financieros-Patrimoniales presented our ERASMUS+ KA2 project EQAFIT- Enhanced Quality Assurance in the Financial Training in the dissemination event of the ERASMUS+ KA2 project SFinLit- Sustainable finances Literacy, coordinated by the UNED – Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain) […]
February 20, 2022
/ In News
The 2nd Newsletter for EQAFIT project is here! See all the updates and the Results of the project here.
February 15, 2022
/ In News
One more result for VET providers is here! We are excited to share the product of our fourth Activity: Tools & Guidelines for VET Providers! In this report, you can easily find suggestions and recommendations on how to improve different aspects of their Quality Assurance systems. Specifically, you can find Tools & Guidelines for strengthening […]
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