The European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training
(EQAVET) is based on a cycle of quality assurance and improvement (i.e., Plan, Do, Check, Act), and a
selection of descriptors and indicators applicable to quality management, both at the level of the VET
system and at the level of the VET provider.
In order to be able to adapt to a labor market specific to a knowledge-based society,
professional training providers have to implement a quality assurance policy at their level.
EQAFIT aims to help VET financial training providers to establish and improve quality assurance
systems; with a particular focus on feedback loops between VET systems, as a prerequisite for the
continuous improvement of the training offer. In this sense, we developed an online service, to support the quality system, with a particular focus on the Act phase of the PCDA cycle.
The customized and easy-to-use online service integrates tools and guidelines developed in
previous and newly designed EU projects, and the graduate tracking system.
Stay tuned because soon we will share these results with you!
Learn more about EQAVET here: